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About Braidie:

Braidie is a School Age Education Coordinator at Edgerley Family South Boston Club, and has served as a fixture in the Club’s ongoing effort to help the young people of South Boston build strong character and develop into active citizens.

Fast Facts:

Hometown: South Boston

Favorite Food: Anything seafood

Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Last Book You Read: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Top Weekend Activity: Camping, hiking, or some other outdoor activity

Favorite Quote: “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” – Oscar Wilde

In Her Own Words:

What has your path to BGCB looked like?

I have always wanted to work in education. In middle school and high school I often found myself in peer tutoring/ mentoring roles. In college, I did both of my co-ops at Cabot Elementary School in Newton and got my first real experience in a teaching role.

After college, I still wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to do so I dabbled a little. I taught French to high school students and then tried my hand at managing a café. I have been a waitress, an usher, an in-house substitute teacher and a recess monitor, but nothing ever seemed just right.

Then five years ago, I started part-time running the homework room at the Edgerley Family South Boston Club. The Club was under renovation at the time and we were working out of the Tierney Learning Center. When the Club re-opened I transitioned from working in the homework room to working full time as the School Age Education Coordinator.

What is your favorite part of your job?

So many things. Working with kids is not only fun, but so rewarding. I get to play with LEGOs and create obstacle courses. I get to go on field trips and do science experiments. But I also get to support our members in continued learning outside of the classroom. I get to share my passion for education and make learning fun.

I think the biggest difference between working in your typical classroom and working at the Club is being able to support our members as they grow over the years. I can help a member learn to tie their shoes when they’re six, take them on their first camping trip when they’re nine, give them advice on writing an essay when they’re 12, and then watch them help a six-year-old tie their shoes when they become a junior staff at 15. It’s incredibly rewarding.

What do you like about being employed by BGCB?

I think that everyone who works for BGCB is incredibly passionate and I think that we all share the perspective that there are endless possibilities for the youth that we serve.  Our members can participate in outdoor clubs, sports teams, the arts, and technology.  They can try their hand at being architects, film makers, musicians, and chefs. They can travel the world and learn about different cultures. We are able to provide our youth with such unique experiences that you simply couldn’t find all in one place anywhere else. If you can think it, we can do it.

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