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Alex, 10, is a charismatic fourth grader who has been a member of the Jordan Boys & Girls Club in Chelsea for the past four years.

An avid swimmer, Alex takes swim lessons from Trav, the Club’s aquatics director. Alex has steadily improved in the pool and recently joined the Dolphin team, which meets every Friday for open swim.

Alex also spends time in the Education Center where he completes his homework and participates in the STEM Challenge – a daily quiz that involves science, technology, engineering, and math. He also enjoys visiting the Computer Clubhouse to work on a variety of technical projects. “These computer activities let me be creative, and are a great way to relieve stress from school,” said Alex as he showcased his latest project using Photoshop and InDesign.

When he’s not swimming or working on his schoolwork, Alex enjoys spending time with his friends. “I’m lucky to have a lot of friends at the Club. I like to hang out with them.”

This past summer, he jumped at the chance to attend camp at the Club. “I was able to swim and go on lots of field trips. The bumper boats were my favorite!”

The opportunities at the Club have really made an impact on Alex. “The Club lets kids relax, try new things, and be themselves,” said Alex.

When asked why other children should come to the Club, Alex explained, “Kids face a lot of stress today, whether from school or other reasons. But the Club is a place that helps reduce tension. Whenever things get tough, I can talk to Gina [the Jordan Club’s Executive Director]. She always has her door open and will talk to me anytime I need help.”

Alex hopes his work ethic and engaging personality will help him become a comedian or an entertainer in the future.