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This year we’re asking supporters to share their passion and reason for involvement with the Artemis Circle and Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston. We hope these stories will inspire you as much as they do us. Read on to hear why Brooke Bartletta, a member of our Leadership Committee, stays involved:

“My first Artemis experience was attending the Spring Luncheon in 2013. I will never forget how awestruck I was by the Club’s facilities, the staff I met that day and the speakers who shared powerful stories of how the Club positively changed the trajectory of their lives. It was a profoundly moving day. Artemis also found me at the right time. My children were now in school and I was ready to tweak my own trajectory. Working to better the lives of children and their families is paramount to me and I can’t think of a better locally based organization than BGCB to share my time and energy. BGCB is love. It’s that simple. I am proud to play a small role in sharing and spreading their love.”

Brooke Bartletta has been involved with BGCB in a variety of ways. From the Artemis Spring Luncheon to Holiday Gift Wrapping, Brooke is a strong leader and supporter of BGCB through the Artemis Circle and as a member of BGCB’s Board of Trustees. She and her family live in Hingham.

Would you like to share your Artemis story?
We’d love to hear from you! Click here to get in touch.