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This year we’re asking supporters to share their passion and reason for involvement with the Artemis Circle and Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston. We hope these stories will inspire you as much as they do us. Read on to hear why Kristine McDavid, a member of our Leadership Committee, stays involved:

“Year after year, at the Artemis Spring Luncheon, and each time I take a tour of the Clubs, I am in awe of the programs that are offered to kids who attend BGCB. I am inspired whenever I hear one of the Club’s staff members speak about their commitment to the kids, and I am blown away by the maturity, poise and determination to succeed I hear in the voices of the Club members and Club alum. I know by contributing to and being a part of the Artemis Circle I am able to play a small part in enabling the Clubs to succeed.”

–Kristine McDavid

Kristine has been an Artemis Leadership Committee member for two years and became Co-Chair in 2017. Kristine’s husband Lou used to play basketball at our Yawkey Club of Roxbury when he was growing up. She continues to build relationships and bring creativity to the Artemis Circle and supports all things BGCB.  Kristine and her husband live in South Boston.

Kristine (left) with her mother, Joan Burke

Would you like to share your Artemis story?
We’d love to hear from you! Click here to get in touch.