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Why Artemis: Karen Canfield

This year we’re asking supporters to share their passion and reason for involvement with Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Artemis Circle. We hope these stories inspire you as much as they do us. Read on to hear why Artemis Circle Co-Chair, Karen Canfield, stays involved:


“Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston has been the primary philanthropic focus for my family for over two decades.  However, until BGCB began developing the idea of creating a women’s leadership group, my personal involvement was mostly attending events with my husband and contributing funds as a family.  With Artemis, I have been able to deepen my involvement with the work of the Clubs and meet some exceptional people — from the members to the amazing staff to other like-minded women who have joined the Artemis Circle.

While visiting one of the clubs, I noticed that the bookshelves were rather sparse and not many current titles were available for the kids.  Reading is my passion.  Through the Artemis Circle, we were able to launch a multi-year book drive and collect over 10,000 donated books.  Now all of the Clubs have full K-12 libraries.  From there, we forged a relationship with Simmons College to have the libraries cataloged so the staff could find books of interest for the members.  This hands-on, results-oriented work was immensely satisfying personally.  Having staff send me pictures of kids curled up in corners with books in hand was the greatest joy.  The Artemis Circle provides women with an opportunity to really get to know the good work of Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston and find ways in which they can become involved that works for them.” -Karen Canfield

Karen has been involved with BGCB since 1995. She has served on the Artemis Leadership Committee since its inception and is currently serving in her second year as Co-Chair.  Her dedication and commitment to our mission have ensured continued growth for the Artemis Circle.

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